Date & Time:
We will be filming over two days, Tuesday October 11th and Thursday October 13th. We will film the hotel scene on the Tuesday, and the outdoor scene on Thursday. On Tuesday we have a media lesson at the end of the day so we will prepare for filming during this lesson, it will also give us the oppurtunity to perhaps leave earlier. We will collect the equipment including the camera, tripod, dolly and spotlight light. The planned time to leave college will be 16:15 to get to the location for 16:45. Once the filming is complete on the first day Sam and George will take the equipment home, they will bring it back the next day as they have first lesson free and therefore more time to bring it in.Location:
We have decided to film our room scene in the University Arms hotel, this is near Parker's Piece which is not far from the old part of Cambridge and the river. The hotel is suitable for our video as the rooms are large and dramatic, which will add to how realistic the narrative is. As the hotel building is quite old, many of the windows are large which is ideal for our shots of Adele looking out the window. The rooms also have mirrors for the beginning of our music video, this is extremely important as this is how the argument begins. We have decided to film the hotel scenes on the Tuesday as this could allow us time afterwards to film the outdoor scenes. The hotel scene will also require the most setting up, and there are many types of shots which we will need to create a fast-paced narrative. The time plan on Tuesday is to begin filming around 17:00, it will be too dark for filming outside for 19:00, this gives us two hours for both the hotel scene and anything else we are able to fit in.The other location we will be filming at is Granta Place, which is near to the the river and it is within the older parts of Cambridge. Ideally we would have the Kanye West strolling around the riverside. We will then have the Adele character looking for Kanye. They eventually find each other looking over the river at opposite sides because we think this will look intensly theatrical. Thursday will be focused on the outdoor scenes in these locations, again the filimg will take place after college because the natural lighting will be quite dim as the sun starts to set. We will film the shots in their chronological order as the want the continuity not be affected by the gradually lighting decrease. It will be important to take the continual shots several times to give us options if there are errors with the shots. Another point is that the locations should be visited before filming to give us an idea of what we can use, and how busy the area will actually be. We will document the lcoations in a seperate Location Assessment post.
We have already discussed the importance of lighting. The sunset time is around 19:00, which gives us plenty of time to film on both days with suitable lighting. We are also considering the use of spotlight for the hotel scenes, this will brighten room up and causes shadows on the faces of the actors and objects in the room. During the editing stage of this project we will use a blue filter to create a sad or depressing atmosphere to this scene. For the second scene natural lighting will be used throughout.Actors:
Adele's character will be played by Daisy's friend, Emily. She is preparing her costume and lyrics ready for next week. It is vital that this actor is well prepared as she has the most screen time and is the main character of the music video. Our other character is the rapper playing Kanye, we use our group member Nick as the actor for this character. He will learn the rap, and has a suit available for the scene. However, he we may have to adjust our original plan as he doesn't have a white suit. The rap costume will also include sunglasses and some bling to add extra "gangster" style to our actor.Film Crew:
The filming process will be co-ordinated throughout the group. We will need a main director, producer, supervisor, cinematographer, and someone who control the lighting for the hotel scene. We will share these roles out, giving everyone an oppurtunity to film and try things with both the lighting and the actors. We need to follow our storyboard as this will ensure that the narrative includes everything.Props:
It is crucial that we have two rings for the characters, this symbol is really important when we are filming. There is also the possibility of photos being torn up by Adele, again an important part of the narrative. Finally, we have the make up which will be arranged near a mirror in the room, this begins the narrative and argument which is the main focus of our music video. The shot list and storyboard will be brought in by Sam, and the equipment will be taken to the locations by the entire group.
Backup plan:
If the University Arms does not meet our requirements then we will use another hotel, with our last option being someone's house. The outdoor scene should be ok, unless the weather is bad or there the area is busy. Although both these things can be arranged beforehand, George is researching the locations thoroughly this week.
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