It is important to outline the health and safety concerns with our locations. The concerns highlight those both for ourselves, guests at the hotel, and the public in the outdoor scenes.
In the hotel room we will need to be appear of the spotlights we're planning to use, this is because they could get hotel and cause damage to the room or cause us to burn ourselves.
Another safety issue is the part of the narrative where a shoe is thrown at the wall. We need to make sure this does not damage the wall, or disturb the hotel guests.
In Granta Place (video below) there can be busy periods in the day. We are not bothered about the public being around us as this will add extra realism to the video. The safety concern is that we do not want to obstruct any walkways or walk into something whilst filming.
As you can see from the video, the area has lots of old style shops and buildings, along with bridges and the river. The music video will appear very traditional when in it's final form, this mirroring the style of Adele's music.
The final safety risk is the weather. The video will not go ahead if it is raining on the Thursday, however wind and other extremities are manageable. These types of weather actually give the video more actions and bring it to life.
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