Monday 7 November 2011

Editing Diary - 07/11/11

So far we have edited the main sequence together. This process has involved lip-syncing all the necessary clips and arranging them in the correct order so that the narrative makes sense to the audience. The fact we filmed shots multiple times benefited us when it came to editing because we had had a choice of shots which we could use.

After lip-syncing and arranging clips we will add video filters and transisitions to the video to generate a stylistic feel to the video. We have previously experimented with a blue tint in our test footage, and we think that this would still be a good idea as it will represent the sad theme. We would like to add a lighting streak filter to our video because we have seen it used in professional music videos and we think we can use it to enhance our lighting.

In the first screenshot you can see our timeline during during the hotel scenes of our music video. The lighting effects have worked quite effectively as you can see on the Adele actress, we still want to add some colour correction to these shots to enhance there delivery. The second screenshot displays our use of a black and white/colour correction. In this particular shot the desaturation has been used to signify the flashback within the narrative.

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