Sunday, 27 November 2011

Research: What is a director's commentary?

A director's commentary is an explanation and analysis of a product, these are commonly available on the bonus features of DVDs. The director usually adds his explanation with an audio track, these sometimes include actors and other members of the production team for further explanations. These can be very detailed explanations which will show how clips/shots were create, almost like a behind-the-scenes insight into the production of the product. The commentary will also include views on the narrative and the construction of non-cinematography related aspects of the product.

There are two types of director commentaries, the first is partial/scene specific which highlights specific parts of the products. The second type if a feature-length commentary, this is where the director and other speakers watch the movie from beginning to end and give thoughts on parts of the product as is it being watched. A feature-length commentary is the most common, and as I mentioned earlier this will include actors, production team members, writers and other important members.

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