Sunday 27 November 2011

What is a director's commentary?

Although there are many different ways of presenting a director's commentary, a director's commentary is primarily an additional feature on a DVD or digi-pak product which provides commentary from one or more speakers which provides an insight into the creation and the ideas behind the product.

One way a director's commentary can be presented is as an additional audio track directly over the main feature product itself, called the feature-length or screen-specific; the speakers talk about what is directly on the screen at the time. However this method may be difficult to use for a commentary over a music video because music videos can be much more fast-paced than other media products such as films. 

Another method of a director's commentary is the partial or scene-specific method of visually displaying clips which has a nature of interest to the speaker and then transitions to the speakers providing commentary of the scene. This solves the problems in the prior method of a directors commentary by pausing and making a commentary between clips. However this means that the commentary will be longer in duration than the main feature.

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