Sunday, 20 November 2011

Magazine Advert Features

It is important to include these features in our magazine advert, as it will represent the artist and provide all the relevant information. Below is a list of these features and and details as to composition, placement and other ideas are all included.
  • Artist image - It is important that the colour scheme used in our magazine advert matches the DVD design, this will make it more recognisable for customers and they will be able to visually match the two products. We are going to use a blue theme as this best represents the mood of the song, and also fits with our music video styling.
  • Artist name - Adele's name is obviously going to be present on the advert, but it is also key to include Kanye West as a featured artist on the DVD. He was a prominent part of the both the song/remix and the music video which we have created. Using two artist on the cover of this advert will broaden the audience, and as a result of this create more sales.
  • DVD title - The title will be "Right Under My Feet" which is a lyric from the song/music video of Melt My Heart to Stone. We didn't want to use the song title as this would make it appear more like a an album or single release, which would be misleading for the customer and of the artist. This lyrics has a down-to-earth feel, which would definitely represent the depressing mood of the lyrics used in Adele's original track.
  • Release date - We will simply be using "Out Now" for the release date, this will be positioned further towards to the bottom of the advert. The reason for this is because it will be close to the review/rating, and album the logos of relevant shops or online store where it can be purchased. The idea is that the "Out Now" text will lead the reader onto these other pieces of information.
  • Relevant logos - The customer will need to know where the DVD is available, so generic iTunes and Amazon logos will be placed at the bottom of the advert. These brands are well known and recognisable for consumers, and so they will be the most effective at showing what type of release this product is. A record label logo will also be placed in one of the bottom corners of the advert, this will give the DVD more recognition and professionalism.
  • Quotes/Reviews - This is an incredibly important part of the advert as it will would be crucial for marketing. A quote from a reputable media organization with a 'star' rating will be given across the centre of the advert. Including the 'star' rating will grab the attention of consumers who glance over the advert as they look through a magazine. A 5-star rating would make consumers stop and see what as got such a good review.

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